"Apple Venus Orchid"

The "King and Queen" Stars

"They reside in the back corner of this place

One of them a harsh and bright light, shining the path for anyone going anywhere

The other a warm glow, a yellow-orange-gold comfort for anyone who needs to sit on the curb and just stare at it for a moment

A Mother and a Father. Which is which I'll leave up to the reader"

The "Silver Knight Star", formerly known as the "Little Prince" Star

"It used to glow a lot smaller.

The bulb was barely shining at all, yet rarely if never flickering, at its' meager heart a humble and steady glow

Perhaps only found in hindsight, but perhaps that fragile yet steady glow in place of a flicker is what associated the light with a newborn star, merely beginning its' life rather than an elderly grandfather star quietly dimming into the end of its' journey

Now it shines brave and strong at the gate of this place, fulfilling a similar role to its' bright shining parent in the corner, protective and bright, gentle and sharp, blunt and present"


"Stage left: Enter Easter, and she's dressed in yellow yolk

Stage right: Now the son has died, the father can be born

Stand up, if we all breathe in, and blow away the smoke

New life, we'd applaud a new life"

--- Andy Partridge of XTC, on "Easter Theatre"

"The Crownpiece, she shines in a way that makes every light in the world glow a little brighter

She glows in a way that makes you pay more attention, cherish every light blooming everywhere

It's the kind of view that makes you make the time to take the long walk around on your every trip just to see her

and every time you don't, you risk that it'll be the last time you'll ever see anything, you go on along and perish, and it will have been the first time you'll never see her again"

"Easter, in her bonnet, easter in her hair

Easter are the ribbons,

she tied everywhere,

stage left:"

The Apple Venus Star / Apple Venus Orchid / formerly known as the "Princess Star"

"How I fell,"

"Did you feel low?"



"I fell right into the arms,

of Venus de Milo"

--- Tom Verlaine of Television, on "Venus"

"It's the kind of light that makes every light, every reflection of light off of everything and everyone in the world a little more special when you realize that it is made of all the same pieces that make up the light that adds up to the colours and shine of her glow

It's the kind of light that gets you ran into, ran past, ran by, nearly ran over crossing the street because you're distracted staring at it

And every time you're happy to let the glowing headlight eyes of a machine life devour you whole and extinguish you for good"